Constantly improving processes, products and service ... this is how Distrifund meets your needs.
Our permanent internal quality controls and external audits are your guarantee of the best quality with a durable reflex at a competitive price.
- Outstanding IFS logistics score
- Member of Amfori, partner in sustainable trade respecting the social conditions in which our goods are produced
- FSC® -certified
- Social commitment: our producers respect the rights of their workers;
- Sustainable long-term relationship with our suppliers, distributors and wholesalers.
The best quality with a long-term commitment for a competitive price
Highest score IFS Logistics
IFS (International Featured Standard) Logistics is a leading international GFSI-recognised standard developed specifically for the storing, transport and distribution of food products and other consumer goods.
This standard guarantees the safety and quality of products throughout the logistics process. In addition to the many conditions that must be met, an efficient HACCP and quality management system are the basic criterion for IFS Logistics certification.
Thanks to the performance of our top team, we manage to achieve the highest level score for our IFS audits every year.

Amfori international code of conduct
The Amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) code of conduct was developed in 2003 by Amfori.
This code of conduct is based on international conventions that protect workers' rights. This involves the following key concepts:
- a socially responsible policy;
- freedom of association, working hours and overtime;
- non-discrimination;
- combating child and forced labour;
- special protection for young workers;
- paying a minimum wage;
- provisions for a safe and healthy workplace;
- environmental protection;
- job security.
An initiative that Distrifund is 100% behind!
FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certification
Your guarantee that wood, paper and cardboard are sourced from sustainably managed forests. Distrifund shares FSC's mission:
- Ecologically appropriate: forest management respects the ecosystem and ensures that forest biodiversity and the carrying capacity of the forest ecosystem are maintained.
- Socially correct: forest management takes optimum account of the local population and contributes to their well-being. Forest workers work in proper and safe conditions.
- Economically viable: forest management is planned and economically viable in the short and long term.
Ask about our FSC® certified products